
those, who tried to help me using TB for a Newsletter, thanks.

> 1) open editor and write a message
> 2) select whole message and use Utilities | Create a Quick template
> 3) enter name and description for this Quick template:B

I seriously tried it, but it's too spartanic for me, every time I
will create and send a newsletter doing those technical things,
it's not comfortable enough.

So I left TB and choose for the easy way; I'm misusing now my
mailserver for it; created a mailinglist, configured it a one-way-one
and added the members in one run. New members can subscribe
themselves through my webpage.
(That's to say, my son configured it for me. :-) )

Now I can simply use TB for writing my html newsletters in colours
and with pictures and send them to the list.

Using The Bat Vs. under Vista Ultimate 32 bit

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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