List  of  bugs  I  observe  (some of them was mentioned, I just make a
list, none of them is a real show stopper):

1. Still writes into the registry: I have a
HKCU/RIT/Software/Voyager/SmartBat branch

2a.  Overwrites  the  voyager.lng  file.  I know, it is ok for general
user,  but  we have our own English/Hungarian LNG file (600 kB instead
of 6 MB), and it is overwritten all times.

2b. Puts a lot of spell checker files into the speller subdir and
Russian, Polish and another Hunspell dic into the Dictionaries subdir.

By my opinion, 2a and 2b should be customizable. It is not because of
the unnecessary files, but it generates a long list in the selectable
language list.

3.  I  still  have problem with SmartBat. I press F6 in Voyager and no
Notepad  tabs.  In TB, it works fine. It started with v4. See attached
images.  If I click in the Scheduler tab and back to SmartBat tab, the
notepad tabs reappears. I am using SB very often, so it is disturbing.

4. After downloading mails, sometimes it is slow to display a folder
(Inbox) with 4000+ messages, size in 300 MB. Not THAT big. It takes
ca. 5-6 secs until the message list appears...

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Szervizcsomag 2

<<attachment: VoyagerSmartBat.jpg>>

<<attachment: BatSmartBat.jpg>>

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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