Just download and unzip it into an empty dir.

While  it  is only in English, I make it available, to see if it worth
to make it multilingual: ZipMyTheBat. It ZIPs selected directories and
the  HKCU/Software/RIT reg key into a zip file. In the name of the ZIP
file,  %Date  and  %Time  macro  can  be used. Also, if the program is
started  with  the  -r  switch,  it  will  automatically run using the
parameters set. So, it can be used for scheduled backup.

After  playing  around with ZIP components, I gave up, all of them had
some  flaw  (did  not  work  ok,  was  too slow, or not free :)). So I
trigger a standalone ZIP program.

So, now ZipMyTheBat works this way:
- on the screen you add the directories to add to the ZIP file

- you specify the ZIP file (the program saves these settings in the
ZipMyBat.ini file and will be loaded next time), %Date and %Time
macros can be used. The "\", ":", " " etc. characters will be
replaced by "_" in the filename

- you click on the ZIP it! button

- ZipMyTheBat exports the HKCU/Software/RIT reg key into

- after a 5 sec delay it triggers the freeware FreeByte ZIP (I put it
into the distrib package) and passes along the directories and the
exported .reg file and the name of the ZIP file, so FreeByte ZIP will
produce the ZIP file.

So,  ZipMyTheBat is like a Windows GUI batch editor kind of thing. But
I  can add it now to my scheduled tasks or click on an icon and I will
have a complete backup of my TB. In my case, it is only the
C:\Program files\The Bat! dir and the reg. key.

I tested, it was able to produce a >2 GB file. I dont know about the
4 GB limit, I guess it cannot handle that.


PS: Free of course. If someone need the Delphi 3 source code,
project, let me know.

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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