Hello Bob,

> I agree that Christian went a bit overboard in his frustration, and I
> had questions about the upgrade myself (considering that I renewed my
> license in 21 November 2007, thinking it would be valid into version
> 4.1, and it wasn't - although that was clarified in the February 2008
> website posting, which satisfies me). However, let's not be unkind to
> Christian or act as "a parent voice," just accept that is where he is. 
>  Haven't we all lashed out in frustration at times?  So Christian must 
>  be allowed the same ventilating, even if you and I think that it was 
>  unjustified.

One can 'ventilate' disagreement (even strong disagreement) and 
frustration with a little more respect for people working very very hard 
to earn an honest living. Don't you think so?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.1.4 RC1 (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 3

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