> We have just removed the version.xml file from the website to prevent the 
> automatic update of The Bat! versions prior to 4.1.

Thank you, that is a start.

> The Bat! v4.1.9 that we have put to the website on January 6th resolves the 
> index issue, so the users are free to move back and forth without any loss of 
> data.

It was a very politically correct answer :) However, if you move back,
the already deleted mails shows up again... Right?

> In a next version of The Bat!, we will put a warning that a backup is in new 
> format and is incompatible with previous format. We will also try to improve 
> the MSI install script to check whether the key is OK for The Bat! 4.1. We 
> will also modify the download page on the website to make the user explicitly 
> agree with the update policy.

You should do it now. It should be a first priority. Believe me, I try
to help, even if I swear or use bad language or pushing you. You know,
it does not matter how good a program is, if you mess it up with this
v4/v4.1 issue. Please understand, the users feel it that you FORCE
them to upgrade with it... Believe me, they will upgrade because of
the HTML templates, but let them to decide it. Business 101.

I dont try to be Dieter (you remember him, right, German distributor),
but I have to give you hones feedback. If I use bad words sometimes, I
am really sorry, I am desperate in this issue. I have firsthand
connection with angry users, and I have to admint that they are

Sorry, I dont answer to others mails, I dont want to make this thread superlong.


 Current beta is 4.1.9 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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