
EJM> What is it exactly that is required in IMAP?  

Reliability? Usability? 

EJM> If its a complaint, so be it. If its a real IMAP bug, report in
EJM> bug track.

Thank you. When did you last browse the bugtracker? It is full of IMAP
bug reports, some of which have been - mostly without success - worked
on, most of which have not. They date back for years. Most of the more
recent reports ("more recent" with IMAP means "not older than one or
two years") apparently haven't even been assigned.

EJM> IMAP works and it is functional.  It may not be what you want, yet, it
EJM> does work.

So does nuclear fusion. Pity is, nobody can use it yet.

EJM> I for one, just want to get on with testing and applying the product.

Suit yourself. Others, including me, would like to stop testing and
finally get some work done. TheBat/IMAP has been "Beta" (who's going
to be the first calling "Alpha"?) for over five years without any
substantial progress being made. Promises, occasionally. Date and
version estimates, sometimes. But progress you can lay your hand on -

Me thinks you don't quite know what you're talking about.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alto Speckhardt

TheBat v4.1.11

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