Sunday, January 26, 2003, 2:20:09 PM, you wrote:

>> N> Someone    have   discovered   what   TBP_GetStatus,   TBP_NeedConfig,
>> N> TBP_NeedCOM, TBP_Setup functions does.
>> TBPGetStatus()
>> para ahora...
>>      return(0);  // todo bien
>> en el futuro, sera posible utilizar otros codigos.

> [..]

> Is there any documentation anywhere in English? :)  Or are we left to
> guess most of the workins?  I asked the other day if there was any
> available, but didn't get an answer, so I'm guessing that we just have to
> guess... or am I wrong?

- GetStatus
This function should return 0 if everything is OK. Otherwise, it
should return an error code (which will be processed in future).

- NeedConfig
If your plug-in requires/supports configuring, this function should
return 1, return 0 otherwise

- Setup
This function is called by The Bat! when a user clicks the "Configure"
button in the Preferences dialogue. You may need it for setting up
some special parameters that require some user interaction. Return
1 if the user committed changes, 0 otherwise.  Be careful though
because there is a bug and when Setup returns 0, it fails to load the
plugin.  I think this has been fixed or will be fixed soon.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

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