Hallo Luigi,

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002 08:10:32 +0200GMT (21-6-02, 8:10 +0200GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

LR> When I break a quoted line in two, the new created line does not have the
LR> quote prefix,

It does, however it only does so when the quote prefix starts at the
begin of the line and not when the line starts with a blank space.

I don't know how and why you insert spaces before your quote prefix,
but that's the reason.

BTW GoldED that you referred to, displays somewhat the same behavior.
It's not sensitive for the first space (since it inserts that itself),
but when the first quote mark '>' is in column 8, GoldED doesn't treat
it like a quote prefix anymore. (Just tested it.)

Groetjes, Roelof

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