Hello Chris,

On Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 21:34 GMT +0100, Chris Weaven [CW] heard
voices say:

CW> It only seems to work when I write to you, or it could be the fact
CW> that it's a different date?

I'm not sure.  There have been so many changes to your template, I can
no longer make heads or tails of what you have.  Can you please post
the parts of your template system which are responsible for including
the "where I am" part.

CW> I am using the correct template. I've checked a couple of times
CW> now.

Ok, then I really don't know the problem.  Please include *all* of the
parts of your templates which affect the attribution line.

CW> The only other thing I wanted to work on was, if they're in the same
CW> time zone, I wanted it to say in 'our' time zone, rather than in 'your'
CW> time zone.

Ok, but that can be done as part of the streamlining of your current

CW> Apologies for being thick still, but your help is really
CW> appreciated

No problem.

CW> and I think once I've got this sorted, I'll be kept quiet for a
CW> bit!?

Why?  Won't you want to use your new template system as much as
possible? ;-)

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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miles, and the poor things often wait for hours without progressing
anywhere. Traffic cones have rights, just like people.

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