Hello Zygmunt,

Monday, December 15, 2003, 7:49:48 PM, you wrote:

ZW> You have several possibilities to achieve such working of the
ZW> confirmation system. First, you should decide if the confirmation will
ZW> be generated only for messages with Reading Confirmation Request or
ZW> for all selected messages of some sort.

Actually, I had thought to do it on an individual basis, starting from an AB
template and working with a .bat file renaming 1.txt->a.txt, 2.txt->1.txt and
so on. Although I would have tried it out with 1 person to begin with, this
would imply to create as much sets of texts as people involved...
So, your solution would be more flexible...

ZW> I suppose you can automatically distinguish the "number" of received
ZW> message (for example, if it contains the "number" in explicit form).

It doesn't.

ZW> The template must use this "number" as the condition to include the
ZW> appropriate text file with true confirmation. In your exemplary scheme
ZW> the number of confirmation text file varies in "modulo 10" manner,
ZW> hence in the filter template you can use the following macros:

I hadn't planned to have numbers in the messages from the people involved.
It is supposed to work even without their cooperation.
Otherwise it would have been easier of course.

ZW> %PUT="Disk:\Directory\%CALC='message_number\10'.txt"

If the message would have contained the number, f.i. 5, what would be the
result of %CALC='message_number\10'.txt?  5.txt? 6.txt? anything else?

ZW> Here we assume the confirmation files are named according to the
ZW> following scheme:

ZW> 0.txt, 1.txt, ..., 9.txt

Can that be 1 to 10 as well? Or does this lead to the failure of the
calculation in:

ZW> The digits before extension are computed using macro
ZW> %CALC='message_number\10' (this is the modulo operation), and the
ZW> "message_number" must be known before this computation.

ZW> Please give the real examples of such messages and then it will be
ZW> possible to extract these message numbers.

I still have to write them! :-)

ZW> Differentiate of confirmation text will be possible not only with
ZW> message numbers extracted from the messages. These numbers can be
ZW> generated by filters as well (for example, I am using the sequence
ZW> numbering of my messages on one of mailing list).

I suppose this will be the way to go...

ZW> In such a case the  additional templates and macros are required.

Do yoy have examples for this?

Greetings from Belgium & Best Wishes,
using The Bat! 2.02.3 CE



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