On Thu, 5 Feb 2004 02:14:26 +0100, Roelof Otten wrote:

>> Now, what I really want is this macro to work for _all_
>> Yahoogroups. In other words, if I send a message to any of the
>> Yahoogroups mailing lists, my GMX address should be used, in
>> all other cases my tmfweb address.

> One way to do this is with Address Book templates.
> Select all addresses you want to use your gmx address and drop
> them in one group. Insert for this group (in the properties) a
> template for new messages, one for replies and maybe one for
> forwards too and use the %from macro.

Thanks. This sure looks like a failproof method, but it lacks
IMHO the, uhmm.. "elegance" of the %IF macro, if you know what I

I'll use it until I got those <censored> REGEX macro's figured out.




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