==============Original message text===============
To: Graham on the TBTECH List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2004, 8:29:07 PM
Subject: Examples of new feature usage

C> Foster, Graham @ 2004-Aug-17 10:50:21 AM
C> "Examples of new feature usage" <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Word document / webpage / help file / PDF (Which format??)
C> HTML files available both online and as a download with a good index.
C> This method, I have found, is easiest to keep maintained.

===========End of original message text===========
Great great idea !!! There are so features I've not ever understood at this time
like "Watch replies" or "Chat"... I have to understood TB's
features and english language. Too much things for my little head.

So, I'm waiting with interest such a document. And why not in Html, with useful
hyper link.

Thanks for this idea


TB 2.12.00
Windows XP
Service Pack 1



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