Hallo Brian,

On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 06:43:57 -0700GMT (14-4-2008, 15:43 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

BA> Thank you for your replies. Based on these replies I would like to ask for
BA> some specific help.

I've asked you before (it may have been on the forum and not on this
list) to describe the whole process from receipt of the order till the
sending of the file, but you've been systematically ignoring those
questions. In stead you're continuously asking questions about
enhancements of something that's apparently working, but you don't
understand how it's functioning.

IIRC You've got a filter that creates a .cmd that moves the sent
files to a different directory after the message has been sent.
Somehow I can't imagine that it's that hard to adapt your template
in such a way that it points to the place where your files are being
stored after the message has been sent.

Any way, I suggest that you change the sendfile.cmd to this:
For %%i in ("C:\BAT\XX\*.txt") do "C:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe" 

And change your template to this:

,----- [  ]
| %SetPattRegExp='C:\\BAT\\XX\\(.*?)~~(.*?)\.txt'%-
| %RegExpBlindMatch='%To'%-
| %ModifyOnce(To)%-
| %SetHeader(To,%SubPatt='1')%-
| %Subject="%SubPatt='2'"
| Hi %ABToFirstName="%ToFName", 
| Your requested file: %SubPatt='2' can be found at:
| URL/%SubPatt='1'/%SubPatt='2'
| Thank you.
| Regards, %FromFName

Note that URL should be the proper URL to your server's path
And as I don't have your outgoing filter available (sloppy I know, but
I wrote it a year ago on a different computer) I can't tell you
how to alter the .cmd file it generates exactly.

I can tell you one thing though. this whole procedure is kind of
awkward, it shouldn't be necessary to have TB test every minute for
existing files that have to be sent and moved and whatever else.

Groetjes, Roelof

To err is human. Obviously, humans have bugs in the source code. - SLR
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6000 
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz


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