Thank you again very, very much for your help. You're brilliant and very
kind to assist me. Much thanks. I am very grateful for your time and


In regard to this (move.bat template):

Copy C:\BAT\XX\%ToAddr~~%Subject   C:\BAT\XX\%ToAddr\%Subject

Del C:\BAT\XX\%ToAddr~~%Subject


It would not work until I changed it to this:

Copy C:\BAT\XX\%ToAddr~~%Subject.txt   C:\BAT\XX\%ToAddr\%Subject

Del C:\BAT\XX\%ToAddr~~%Subject.txt


Now it works successfully. Thanks.


Regarding this (sendfile.tpl):

Hi %ABToFirstName="%ToFName", 
Your requested file: %SubPatt='2' can be found at:
Thank you.
Regards, %FromFName


It also works successfully, thank you again.


However, I am wondering if it is possible to change the emailed Subject line
to some text other than the file name?

I'm not sure if changing this would also affect the move.bat code above too.


Regarding "setting the scheduler to run every an absolute waste
of resources". I did that to test, when I had a recurring issue.

But your statement compells me to ask: what resources are being wasted?, if
you don't mind educating me, I am always trying to learn more, thanks.






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