Hello Assad,

On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 18:30:32 +0400GMT Assad Kety wrote:

AK>        Sure I did switch account "before" anything else. Try to do
AK> this test please. Turn the background of account B red, then from
AK> account A, switch to account B, you will still have background for account 

That is correct, I would suggest to duplicate the account templates to
quick templates. Then you can execute them after the account has been

Feli    :de-bb:

The Bat! Version (64-bit) on Windows 7 6.1 7601 Service Pack 1

Smith's Test for Artifical Life: When animal-rights activists and
right-to-life protesters are marching outside your laboratory, then you
know you've definitely made progress in your artificial life research.
[Donald A. Smith]

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