Hi there!

On 4 Oct 99, at 9:27, George M. Menegakis wrote
    about "Re: Strange inline attachments":

> I usually get them from listserv (the daemon) and also from varius daemons that
> send  mails.  Either  case  there  is a bug , after all only The Bat shows that
> there are inline attachments (all versions I have used from 1.32 to 1.36Beta9)
> and frankly it is very iritating.

George, why wouldn't you provide us here with an example of 
such message? Having never seen this behaviuor, I cannot 
even guess what particular aspect of the message's MIME 
headers result in the (strange) things you describe?

Try to MIME-forward such a message...

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  Statistics are a highly logical and precise method for saying
  a half-truth inaccurately.

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