Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.36
  under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 5
  and would like to report a bug

  The  bug  description:  For some reason, The Bat! creates continuous
  disk  access  while  running  idle.  I  tested this on two different
  machines with Windows NT 4.0, to the same effect.

  I used a file system monitor and found out that the only disk access
  seems to be to the file thebat.IPC (which is for sending commands to
  The  Bat!,  as  I  learned). Two or three days ago, I submitted some
  Delphi  source  code  to  TBUDL which monitors a directory on a disk
  without  creating  any  apparent disk access all the time. Here is a

procedure WaitForCommandFileToAppear;
var h: HANDLE;
    theend: boolean;
     h := FindFirstChangeNotification (THEBATROOTDIR + '\Commandfiles',
              false, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE);
     theend := false;

         if WaitForSingleObject (h, 1000) <> WAIT_TIMEOUT then begin
             FindNextChangeNotification (h);
         else begin
             if mylittleterminationflag then
                theend := true;
     until theend = true;
     FindCloseChangeNotification (h);

As  I  wrote in the original mail, this probably won't work out of the
box, as I just hacked it in. Of course one difference would be the use
of  a  directory  instead  of  a  file,  but  that shouldn't be of any
practical  concern.  Someone  who  needs  backward compatibility could
always create a link to the command file in the bat root directory.

  Steps to reproduce the bug: Leave The Bat! running while the machine
  does  nothing  else  at that time. Sit down, read a book, drink some
  tea  and  listen to your machine scratching away happily on the disk
  every some seconds.

  Oliver Sturm

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