On Tuesday, November 30, 1999, Jason Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK. As far as I can tell, this is the only list I'm trying to filter
> that doesn't have an "easy" filter criteria (all the others I can
> filter based on either the from, to, or something standardized in the
> subject line.) This one doesn't seem to have any of that - as you
> pointed out, the only way apparently to filter this is based on what's
> in the headers, because the to is just to me, the from is from whoever
> sent it (which is different than all of my other lists I am filtering
> in that on those the from is the list address), and there's no
> standardized subject line.

Does mail from this list really arrive with the "To" field as your
address?  Mine arrives with To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], so I just
filter on [EMAIL PROTECTED] as recipient.

Double-check that the target folder in the filter is the one you want;
I've had TB revert to Inbox as the target folder when I change folders

Another way to check if your filter is being triggered is to set "Run
External Program" on the Action tab and put in "C:\Windows\NOTEPAD.EXE
%1" or whatever the path is to some simple text editor on your
machine.  Also check "Continue processing with other filters"
on the Options tab.  Then when a message from TBUDL comes in, it
should be opened by your editor.  If not, something is wrong on the
Rule tab.

Ron Mura

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