Wednesday, January 05, 2000, 8:05:20 PM, tracer wrote:
> I see nothing complicated on the few emails going to the wrong place
> to get an filter added.

    Exactly.  I think it is less of a burden than keeping it all separate
through filters.

> More important I think is that the current backup system is lousy and
> inadequate... I am sure you could think of a better system involving a few
> changes in the bat for people with a lot of mail so that the program opens
> snappy but hasnt got all the old data there unless its needed.

    Well, for me, TB! does open up snappy both at work and at home.  In a
discussion off list one person said that they counted the initial message
counting in the startup process.  To me that isn't counted because it is in a
separate thread.  I don't care if it takes 2 seconds or 2 hours.  During that
time TB! is retrieving mail, I can respond to mail, life goes on.  By moving
all my archived mail into a separate account (z_archive_z) it is counted last.
I have accurate counts in my main accounts in under 10-30 seconds (depends on
machine).  Again, during that time TB! does other work.

    If people want a horrible start time, take a look at Eudora.  Even in 4.x
which is /supposed/ to be multithreaded it takes forever to do even the
simplest tasks.  TB! is quite speedy compared to that pig.

    As for archiving proper, I don't think any client really does offer decent
automatic archiving.  Then again, I am of the school of thought that I can
always do it myself.  If I want archives I'm going to do it right with a
proper archiver and do incremental timed backups, off-machine backups, etc.  I
would not and do not want RIT to concern themselves with reimplmenting
something that another author has created.  It would take time away from RIT's
work on TB! and whatever work they did put into an archival system would pale
to the powerful archive tools and a few simple scripts from me.

    What RIT has done is made it simple for data to be archived off TB!.  If
you remove message bases and folders, as long as TB! is not running at the
time, it doesn't complain.  The data is well laid out, easy to get at and easy
to manipulate.  That is all they should be required to do.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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