Hi Steve,

you wrote on Monday, January 10, 2000, 23:40:54:

>> How is it different? I can't see much of a difference between my TBUDL
>> folder and a news group (I'm using Forté Agent, BTW). Of course, various
>> commands like "Reply to all" would have a different meaning ("post to all
>> news groups" in this case), but that's something to get used to.

SL>     Newsgroups are certainly more threaded

More threaded? :-) Doesn't any reply to a news or mail message
automatically create a or add to a thread?

SL> and the way the information is searched and categorized is certainly
SL> different.

I don't understand, Steve. I would understand if you'd say that you are
talking about "lower levels" like NNTP vs. SMTP/POP protocol an the
like. But why shouldn't I be able to do a full text search in a mail and
a news "folder"? It is all a matter of how it is presented to the user.

SL> Quite frankly, anyone who hasn't read news w/o scoring hasn't
SL> effectively read news.

I'm still reading news in Agent (no scoring functionality) :-)

SL> You'll note that there are no scoring email clients around.

Well, wouldn't this be a nice feature for The Bat! 2.0? To the wish list
it goes!

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