Hello Mark,

Your info brings up a question of mine. Does the program compress the
messages files at anytime? When messages are deleted, those holes in
the database could very well lead to trouble. Is there a compress,
re index, backup routine anyplace and if not would it be a feature for
1.4, 2.0 and so forth?



Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 2:22:09 PM, you wrote:

MW> Hi Clemens -

MW> Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 3:58:46 PM, you wrote:

CGS>> Hello The Bat! ML,

CGS>>   Suddenly the bat gave me an error, that there would be a problem
CGS>>   with my inbox and there is one file left there called bad4141.TMP
CGS>>   ... how can I repeair it ... please it's my inbox!!! help me!!

MW>  mbrepair.zip is at
MW>       http://www.ritlabs.com/ftp/pub/the_bat/beta/mbrepair.zip

MW>    Use this doctor utility to convert your broken message base file to a
MW>    UNIX mailbox and then import this mailbox using Tools/Import Messages.

MW>    Note: This doctor does not fix message bases with a password.

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