Hello Steve Lamb,
On Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:15:17 -0800 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, March 02, 2000, 1:15:17 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Steve Lamb wrote:

>     The time to worry is when a /REPUTABLE/ source, not a joe-blow dorkwad on
> angelfire (AKA, can't even afford web space of his own) who most likely
> suffers from rectal-cranial inversion says that someone is doing something
> wrong and sneaky.

The original writer has a website of his own, even a domain...
And I happen to know him and he most certainly wouldnt waste his time
on something which is a fake.
Its excellent programmer and runs one of the wellknown cracking
groups... in his spare time...
And he knows security....

If he messes up with something as basic as this, believe me he gets
more noise and laughter then recognised experts being wrong (g)

Anglefire was a repost, the cleaner though has a saving option instead
of the original which just zapped.
Afterall I can hardly post his password protected site here on the
As said renaming files is better as some programs insist on them being
present, dialer 2000 being one of them.

Best regards,

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