Hello -

  I'm a new user of The Bat!, having only come across it a couple days
ago while doing my annual check on email clients.  Actually, that's
not completely true; I remember trying it out a couple years ago, and
quickly dismissing it.  However, I must congratulate the present
programming team, as they have managed to come up with something that
equals or surpasses my current email client (an obscure one called
AK-Mail).  The main impetus for my making a changeover is the definite
strong presence of constant development.  AK-Mail's main weakness is
that it's the project of a single developer, and has had only a couple
of updates in the last two years.  But in any case, TB! is still a far
cry better than just about any other standard option out there right now.

  I realize that there have been innumerable requests made for
features for version 2 (or even modifications in the current
development cycle), but as they're not listed anywhere, I'd like
to make a few of my own.

  First, a list of the various wish-list requests that have been made.
It would be nice to have an idea of what sort of direction the client
will be going in the future.  Maybe post it on the beta page.

  Next, customizable key-bindings.  Primarily, I would like the
quick-search function to be something that can be brought up with some
sort of Ctrl-<key> function, and then allow any standard, unmodified
keystrokes to be used for real functions (the one that already bugs me
is the awkward Ctrl-M for marking messages as read).  A current
program that I know of that allows complete customization is
UltraEdit, if such an example is of any use.

  When exporting messages, allow saving files on the Desktop, instead
of being forced to use a normal directory.

  An option so that, when editing a message, when you click in an area
to the right of anything that's been entered already, the cursor is
not simply placed in never-never land, but placed at the end of that
particular line (also known as: disallow cursor placement beyond end
of line).

  Finally, I have a question regarding RAR and the PGP dll's.  The
documentation is unclear; are the dll's from the download page
necessary in order to use an external PGP program with TB?  I'm
currently running PGP freeware 6.5.3.  If so, is there some way to get
them in some format other than RAR?  After some difficulties, I
managed to get the decompression utility (also tried using the full
version), however every single RAR file that I try it on shows up as
being corrupted in some way, either a CRC error or broken file header
or something.  The decompression utility is version 2.60, listed as
the latest version from the company that makes RAR.  I'm running Win2k
Pro, and I've also tried it on a system running WinNT 4.0 SP6, and on a
system running Win98.

Best regards,
 David                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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