Hallo Pim,

Am 11.05.00 um 00:10 Uhr, schriebst Du:

PS> Hi TBUDL-members,

PS> In my desperate attempts to find a way to receive and send mail
PS> through my Hotmail accounts using TB!, I downloaded Cyber-Info Email
PS> Notify 4. Instead of installing it right away, I read the readme.txt
PS> and here is what I found:

PS> <quote>

PS>         USING

PS>         In POP3 server options, input your POP3 server, username and password.

PS>         E.g.
PS>         Description      : Peter's Account

PS>         POP3 server name : mail.anymail.com {your POP3 server}, or
PS>                            mail.hotmail.com (for Hotmail account)
PS>                            mail.yahoo.com (for Yahoo Mail account)
PS>                            mail.excite.com (for Excite Mail account)
PS>                            inbox.excite.com (for Excite Inbox account)

PS>         POP3 username    : peter {the name before @ of your email address
PS>                            suppose the email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]}

PS>         password         : XXXXX {password of your email account}

PS>         That's it !

PS>         Of course you need to input your SMTP mail server. Sometimes, it may be
PS>         the same as your POP3 server. Also input your return address :

PS>         e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS>         Special instruction for WEB-POP mail gateway :

PS>         *********************************************************
PS>         If you want to get mail from Hotmail, Yahoo Mail or Excite Mail by using 
PS>         own email client program, you should do the following :

PS>         1. Add account as above.
PS>         2. Select Web-POP gateway port in Webmail option.
PS>         (default is 110, change to other e.g. 888, if other program already used 
PS>         3. Inside your email client program,
PS>            add a POP3 server : (port should be the same in 2)
PS>            add a user name : xxxxx#hotmail (Hotmail)
PS>                              xxxxx#yahoo  (Yahoo)
PS>                              xxxxx#excite  (Excite Mail)
PS>                              xxxxx#iexcite (Excite Inbox)
PS>                              enter the password for that account.

PS>         Example : Suppose your account in Yahoo is   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PS>         Then you should add a POP3 server : with user name
PS>         peter#yahoo

PS>         *********************************************************

PS> </quote>

PS> Especially the last part, about WEB-POP mail gateway, seems
PS> interesting. It looks like I do not need the downloaded program, it
PS> seems that having *any* mail client should be sufficient. I tried to
PS> do as described though, but it didn't work out.

To me it sounds like you have to instal this program! It sounds like
it is sucking the mails from hotmail and setting up a smal local POP3
server on your computer.

PS> Is there anybody who can achieve something (i.e. use Hotmail with TB!)
PS> with the quoted text above? Please let me know.

PS> NOTE: I know there are other accounts that work without problems, for
PS> instance Yahoo, I just want to get Hotmail working.

MFG / Best regards
Thomas Speer                     Tel: 0 71 91/35 34 60
Im Wiesental 1                   Fax: 0 71 91/35 34 44
71554 Weissach im Tal              http://www.spuky.de

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