Hallo Arnie,

On Mon, 7 Mar 2011 17:18:56 -0500GMT (7-3-2011, 23:18 , where I
live), you wrote:

AK> I have full access to the machines in question and all the
AK> registration keys.  Would re-installing TB! fix the problem?  Would
AK> backing up the Mail folder, un-installing TB! and then replacing the
AK> Mail folder work?

Don't  restore  a  back-up that you've made after the problem, because
the issue is in the maildirectory.

Copy your complete mail directory
Delete  all  account.*  files  in  the  mail  directory  (not  in  the
start TB
Now  you'll  probably have some reconfiguring to do, but with a little
bit of luck the problem is gone.
In  case  you  need to define your accounts again, tell TB to create
new accounts with the name of your old accounts

Groetjes, Roelof

Moderator (n): Subspicies of God, specific to Fidonet.
The Bat! BETA
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6002 Service Pack 2
5 pop3 accounts, 3 imap account
OTFE disabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Attachment: pgprImVbtl0n6.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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