Hallo Avram,

On Tue, 7 May 2013 12:45:03 -0500GMT (7-5-2013, 19:45 , where I
live), you wrote:
A> Tuesday, May 7, 2013, 10:53:03 AM, you wrote:

A>>> 1. requiring use of a password to open The Bat
RO>> Yes, switch to an encrypted message base,
A> Need hand-holding here.

A> a. What does this functionally mean? If the message base is encrypted,
A> does this protect messages, even if someone someone hacks the computer
A> and is somehow able to access the folders where messages are stored
A> without opening The Bat?

Your message base will be encrypted and cannot be read by other
programs, nor can TB access it without being issued the proper

A> b. How does one encrypt an existing message base? Will this encrypt
A> all accounts?  Or must each account be individually encrypted?

It will encrypt all accounts  with the same key. It'll also encrypt
your log files, address book, tabs maiontaioned with smartbat, etc.

A> c.  Does  this  mean outgoing messages will be encrypted such that the
A> recipient will need a key to open the messages or, am I confusing what
A> is called "PGP" with message base encryption?

The messages will be sent unencrypted unless you're using somnething
like PGP.

A> d. I have over a dozen e-mail accounts. Possibly, I might only be
A> interested in securing one of them. To do that, I would just secure
A> the  account  as opposed to the entire message base?   Is this done by
A> going to "account" and "set access password?"

A password on one account won't encrypt the message base. It'll merely
restrict TB being used with that account without the password. (Though
there are way around that.)

A>>> 2.   setting   up   client folders within a mail account such that the
A>>> folders  can only be opened with a password

RO>> When using a plain message base, you can set passwords on accounts,
RO>> but not on folders. This option is unavailable with OTFE

A> What is OTFE?

OTFE: On The Fly Encryption, that's the official name for TB's
encrypted message base feature.

A>>> 3.  requiring  the use of a password to open up mail from a designated
A>>> e-mail address.

RO>> Not possible.

A> Now,  I am really confused.  You wrote that I can set a password on an
A> account,  but  then  you said it isn't possible to open up mail from a
A> designated e-mail address.

I thought you meant an address for one of your contacts.

As for starting OTFE.
Create a backup with TB.
Unistall TB
Delete the existing message base
Delete the registry settings for TB
Install TB again
On TB's first run tell it to  use OTFE
Restore the backup

Groetjes, Roelof

Be nice to moderators.  They HATE that!
The Bat! (BETA)
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
5 pop3 accounts, 2 imap accounts
OTFE disabled
i7-2600 3.4GHz

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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