> Hello Mike,

> Monday, September 9, 2013, 10:57:59 AM, you wrote:

>> It must be clear by now the that US National Security Agency--as well
>> as the comparable security agencies in every other civilized country
>> in the world--can break all encryption codes and most likely were
>> involved in setting up the encryption codes in the first place.

> I would have to see a list of articles verifying that claim.

> Remember, for one example, that 'Snowden' was using some form of email
> encryption.

> I use OpenPGP with The Bat!, thus an RSA4096 subset, and seriously doubt 
> that, given
> "they" didn't get my pass-phrase, they could break it in a 100 years or
> less with distributed computing even.

> As for being in on the development, it's open source code, available to
> all of us to verify no back doors.

> Current German "Tech News Moments" are saying, in their talking-points,
> that people should begin using GPG4win and other OpenPGP .

What i sent was meant as humor, a joke.

I was not serious.


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