Hello Robert,

On Mon, 9 Sep 2013 13:33:20 -0400 GMT (10-Sep-13, 00:33 +0700 GMT),
Robert D. wrote:

>> It must be clear by now the that US National Security Agency--as well
>> as the comparable security agencies in every other civilized country
>> in the world--can break all encryption codes and most likely were
>> involved in setting up the encryption codes in the first place.

> I would have to see a list of articles verifying that claim.

I believe you are right. I understand from the news articles that they
don't break the codes, but they have backdoors.

> Remember, for one example, that 'Snowden' was using some form of email
> encryption.

Well, he was using professional (secret-level) encryption, not
commercially available make-you-feel-good encryption.

> I use OpenPGP with The Bat!, thus an RSA4096 subset, and seriously
> doubt that, given "they" didn't get my pass-phrase, they could break
> it in a 100 years or less with distributed computing even.

Really? Have you checked and understood each line of that open-source
code, or do you personally know and trust the people who claim they

> As for being in on the development, it's open source code, available
> to all of us to verify no back doors.


> Current German "Tech News Moments" are saying, in their
> talking-points, that people should begin using GPG4win and other
> OpenPGP .

Why not? As long as it is licenced for export, you can be sure that
the NSA has no problem reading your mails.

Oh wait a minute, I'm wrong here: Governments around the world let
people, i.e. anybody including susptected terrorists, encrypt their
emails because they really don't want to know what they write to each
others. That's because the governments respect your privacy. Gee, I
forgot about this little detail, my apologies.




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