I  am  getting  annoying error messages that read as follows:

"Stream write error "C:\MAIL\Events.CFG" The process cannot access the
file because another process has locked a portion of the file."

The error message appears in a pop up box in The Bat. Clicking "OK" or
the  "X"  will  remove  the  box,  but  it  will pop up again in a few
minutes.    If  I go away from the computer for a long period of time,
upon  return I will find dozens and dozens of boxes just like, sitting
on top of the open window of The Bat.

The error messages are sporadic in that they don't always appear in
every session of The Bat. If the messages appear on my computer, they
will also appear on my wife's computer, which has The Bat, installed,
but points to the mail files on my computer. What causes this error
message and how do I get rid of this permanently? The error had
appeared  on an older computer that I still use (but not for The Bat).
After  transferring  The Bat to a newer computer (but still used), the
messages  didn't  appear for many months.  However, following a series
of  Windws  upgrades,  the  messages  are  back.    The  only  way  to
temporarily  solve  the  problem is to fully shutdown the computer and
then reboot.  Sometimes this will work, sometimes it won't.   However,
even  when this works, the problem eventually reappears after a number
of days or weeks.

How can I fix this?

Using The Bat! Pro ver. 5.8.2 on Win XP sv3

Avram Sacks
Skokie, IL

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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