Hello Chris,

On Sat, 1 Mar 2014 12:38:06 +0000GMT Chris Wilson wrote:

CW> I subscribe to many mailing lists via e-mail. 99.9% work fine, but one
CW> sends some mails in some odd format. TB! won't read them without
CW> clicking on the html tab, or the part_01.txt tab. Whichever I use to
CW> see the content of the message I cannot reply, with the original mail
CW> automatically quoted. The reply shows none of the original text,
CW> please see screenshots at:

Did you try to reply in HTML? In hpsdr2.jpg I see that your reply shows
exactly the text from hsdpr1.jpeg, this seems correct to me. I think
MFPA is right, this is an email with only. How could TB guess what the
text is?

Feli    :de-bb:

The Bat! Version 6.2.14 (64-bit) on Windows 7 6.1 7601 Service Pack 1

 Warum es besser ist, eine Frau zu sein: Niemand lacht, wenn Du unter
1,80 bist und nicht an das obere Regal im Supermarkt kommst.

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