
On Saturday 11 October 2014 at 4:47:12 PM, in
<mid:99571054.20141011104...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> I'll stick with Win 8 especially
> since I loaded "ClassicStart" which gives me a Start
> button *and* menu just like Win 7.

I saw a few add-ons that claimed to do that (or similar) together with 
a registry hack. But I'm on XP, so I have all that to look forward to. 
We are also on XP at work, but switching to Windows 7 next year.

> Probably, but I've used Windows firewall on this PC for
> a while now without any intrusions not caused by me and
> my inattentiveness when installing new software.

The firewalls buit into a lot of routers are similarly unobtrusive, 
and active by default. I have used the firewall in my router, plus the 
Windows XP one, for several years now - ever since Zone Alarm evolved 
into something I find completely unuseable.

> I may not have phrased that correctly.  The "Thank
> you.." message appeared ONLY after erasing MaAfee and
> then copying the keyblock into my clipboard AND THEN
> calling HELP/ENTER REGISTRATION CODE.  It would seem
> that TB did in fact *assume* the keyblock existed in
> the clipboard and grabbed it and verified it before
> "Thanking" me.  Go figure.  

I see. TB! had grabbed it, verified it, and "thanked" you and then
displayed the first 56 characters when you were subsequently trying to
enter the code? 

Things probably change between versions: if I revisit HELP/ENTER
REGISTRATION CODE, I am presented with a blank box where a code could
be entered/pasted. And the clipboard contents are not grabbed. That
may be because TB! doesn't need me to enter a code any more, but I
don't recall it happening - and would not find it helpful, since I
would not copy a licence code to the clipboard before having the field
available to paste it into. Maybe there is about a 50% chance that the
clipboard would already contain the licence code when navigating to

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net

No man ever listened himself out of a job

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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