First question:

When addressing, clicking a blank area in one of the windows (To: CC:
BCC: and Subject:), a little pick-list appears. It seems that these
suggestions come from both the address book and from e-mails received
(maybe even sent) Very convenient until
one of these people has changed his/her e-mail address. The
suggestions from the address book appear with the new (i.e., changed)
e-mail address. However, the other appear as well. Chance of picking
the wrong suggested addressee. How can I delete the unwanted addresses
from the pick-list?

Second question:

When sending a group e-mail, is it possible to omit one of the
addressees on an ad-hoc basis. Let's say that I remind this group of
our weekly meeting. Next week, at the weekly meeting, we plan a
surprise birthday party for one of the people. When I write about this
event to the group, clearly, I do not want to tip off the celebrant.
How do I sent mail to the group but omitting one person?

Sure if it is a small group, it is possible just to select from the
address book the people for whom the mail is intended, but a group
of 50? Ugh!


Leonard S. Berkowitz

Using The Bat! v5.2.2 on Windows 6.2 Build 9200 

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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