Hi Goos

On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 2:02:57 PM you wrote:

> For YOU it may be simple, for ME it is complicated. OK, installing is
> easy, but the next steps aren't. Why I need a public and a private
> key, and how to configure things in The Bat to get it all working at
> writng and receiving encrypted mails.

As I wrote - if you drive a car you have to learn a little bit about
how this works. With encrypted mail it's the same thing.

The private key (secret and save to store) is to sign YOUR mail and to
decrypt encrypted mail you get.

With your public key (which goes to public (server or some one else))
somebody can encrypt a mail to you.

> As I in my previous mails wrote about making two different templates,
> you wrote:
>      In the  editor window when you edit your message you can
>      push the button if you want to sign or / and encrypt the
>      message.
> THE button? It did not help me. Which button, where to find?

In the editor window you have two buttons: Sign and Encrypt your mail

> You also wrote:
>           send to the keyserver or your mail partners.
> Again: Keyserver? Which keyserver? Where? What does it cost?

GnuPG tools in gpg2win (GPA or Kleopatra) can send your key(s) to a
keyserver. This is free.

> OK, I was not motivated anymore to put those questions. No need
> anymore to answer them.

Strange... When you buy a mowing machine you read at first the manual.
Why don't you read the manual for GnuPG?

> After I also had made some remarks in Facebook,

I don't have Facebook.

>  I've got last evening
> a test mail from a guy which included a PGP key. So I reinstalled
> temporarily GnuPG but that did not make the mail more readable.

GnuPG doesn't make something with your mail It's the client which
takes care of the mail - GnuPG is used to encrypt or decrypt the

> I did not know what to do with that mail first and neither had the
> stimulus to find it out.

> As I wrote before.....
> IF a real step-by step instruction from installing onto having sent
> and received enxrypted mail, I may have succeeded. For example,

Step for Step is difficult. Because there are different Email Clients
and there is no description for all.

> STEP 1:
> Open your browser and copy/paste this link in it to call this site:
>  https://gpg4win.org/download.html


> STEP 2:
> Goto the map on your computer where that file is saved and click on it
> to install the program:


> STEP 3:
> While installing your are prompted for .....
> etc. etc. going on to send an encrypted mail to someone and receiving
> one where all works.

gpg2win is installing the GnuPG part on your computer. But you have to
enable your Email client to use GnuPG. So it depends on your mail
client what to to next - there are other steps to go.

 > OK, further discussion is pointless for me, as I removed all GnuPG stuff
> now and am satisfied with VPN.

Your removed GnuPG? So your are not willing to learn something new?

Well then - bye bye.

Best regards,

TheBat! (BETA) Pro (with OTFE) on Windows 7 6.1 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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