Hello Ian,

Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 1:19:49 AM, you wrote:

> G'day,

> Ok, I figured it out.

> The Bat! is considered an "insecure app" by Yahoo and so needs a separate 
> password to be able to use it from the POP3 server, whereas MailWasher is 
> seen as a secure app!

> So, work your way over to the Account Security

> https://help.yahoo.com/kb/generate-third-party-passwords-sln15241.html

> You then get to this page where you can set or revoke the app password. 
> Because of HTML limitations, you will see the first step is the above link.

> Now, follow the steps and you will have a long password generated. Save that 
> and for The Bat!, you use the generated password only. For everything else, 
> you use your normal password.

> Hope it makes sense.

> Generate and manage third-party app passwords

> Some older, third-party email apps (that do not use our Yahoo branded sign-in 
> page) require you to enter a single password for login credentials. To access 
> your Yahoo Mail account on these apps, you'll need to generate and use an app 
> password. An app password is a long, randomly generated code that gives a 
> non-Yahoo app permission to access your Yahoo account. You’ll only need to 
> provide this code once to sign in to your third-party email app.

> Generate an app password

>     Sign in to your Yahoo Account Security page.
>     Click Generate app password or Generate and manage app passwords.
>     Enter your app's name in the text field.
>     Click Generate password.
>     Follow the instructions below the app password.
>     Click Done.

> Use this app password and your email address to sign in to your email app.
> Revoke an app password

>     Sign in to your Yahoo Account Security page.
>     Click Generate and manage app passwords.
>     Click the Delete next to the app password you want to revoke.
>     Click Delete to confirm.


Glad you got that settled.  Just commenting because Google also stops "insecure 
apps", and one has to go to the Google account and choose the setting to allow 
insecure apps.  Fastmail allows creation of app passwords, as well.

Lore Galore
The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs v9.3.3

Current version is 9.1.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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