Hello MAU,

On Tuesday, September 7, 2021 you wrote:

M> Hello Jack,

>> What  I  found  was  that the dictionary controls are available only
>> when composing a message, as far as I can tell.

M> That is not something new, it has always been that way.

>> Also,  right-clicking  on  a  flagged  word brings up a context menu
>> which includes the option to add the word to the dictionary.

M> Again, that has always been that way.

I did not mean to imply that these features were new and unknown. On the
contrary, I wrote the original query to the list to find out what happened to
them for they no longer worked for me. Fortunately I managed to get them to work
again by performing the steps outlined in my previous email. How those features
got turned off however, is still a mystery.

Thank you MAU for your thoughtful response.

Central Alabama USA

The Bat! E-Mail Client by Ritlabs version 6.0.12
Windows 10 Home Build 9200

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