Wednesday, July 26, 2000, 1:42:36 PM, Curtis wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 13:12:06 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> traditional way is better then say so. Adding this silly 'but this is
> how it has been done for god knows how many years' just doesn't cut it.

    That is why I didn't say that.  I said it this way, "...what the
keyboard, for about a century now, has been designed to do!"  I didn't say
that we've always been doing it and should always continue to do it, I'm
stating that the keyboard has been designed for that task.  The timeframe is
to show that a lot thought has gone into the keyboard design (although lately
a lot of marketing has gone into keyboard design to the utter detriment of
functionality) and that for the task of editing text I'd think the device that
was designed to enter and later edit text with 100 years of history behind it
is going to beat out the device designed for an entirely different task which
has only had ~25 years of thought put into it.

    As for your thought control, let me give you a little anecdote.  I played
Doom since before it went gold.  In fact, I played Wolf3D.  I played both on
the keyboard even though in the time of Doom the mouse was being used by the
top players.  Even when I went to Duke3D with its limited up/down view I still
used the keyboard.  In fact, I beat most of the mouse players that came
around.  Then comes Half-Life and guess what, the interface and environment
reach a point where the keyboard was not good enough to control the game.  Did
I complain?  Did I moan endlessly in a most Gothly fashion?  No.  I tried the
mouse, found out that the keyset they had set up was quite logical and easy to
use and switched to the mouse.

    When the time comes that some other interface is better at entering and
editing text than a keyboard comes along, chances are I'll switch to it. Point
is, the mouse is a pointing device, not a text input/editing device.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls. 

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