On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 14:29:22 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

>> do it faster that way. Why? Because I'm deadly accurate and fast with
>> a mouse. Sorry that you aren't. :-)

SL>     You're assumption is that I am not.

        Only teasing Steve. :-)

SL> Even so, holding Shift, moving down 3 lines, pressing CNTL-X, moving
SL> down 10 more and over to the exact spot is often faster than
SL> reaching for the mouse and getting it into the window to begin
SL> marking and I consider that a trivial change.

        You make it seem like such a hassle. Look at it this way. When
I'm editing text and I delete stuff as I move along and delete blocks as
well, I use the keyboard alone. If I wish to do a series of copy and
pasting, move text blocks to other areas, I reach for the mouse *once*
and do the series of text block manipulations in sequence (using mouse
and keyboard) faster than if I were to use the keyboard alone.

SL> I'm sorry that you're still a hunt-and-pecker but spending
SL> 12-14 hours a day average in front of the computer editing text
SL> (code, messages and other text) I'm deadly fast and accurate with
SL> the keyboard as well as the mouse.  Maybe if you stopped using the
SL> crutch you'd learn how to walk.

        LOL! I know how to 'walk'.

        I enjoyed that exchange but the long and short of my
interjection anyway is that it's all a matter of taste Steve. Don't
scoff too much at other peoples preferences and what input devices they
prefer to use in a particular situation. I prefer a standard shift car.
Others think I'm backward and like unnecessary tedium. <shrug> That's

-=A.C. Martin=-       [ TB! v1.45 S/MIME | Win2k Pro ]
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