Hello Jan-Arild Løkstad,
On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 12:24:00 +0200 GMT your local time,
which was Friday, August 18, 2000, 5:24:00 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Jan-Arild Løkstad wrote:

> Hello tracer,

> Thursday, August 17, 2000, 1:55:55 AM, you wrote:

>> seems to me that it does make sense.

> It sure does tracer. I guess I have to put the blame on my bad command
> of English. What I _think_ I say, is not necessarily always what I
> _mean_ to say. Sorry about that. I think you guys better enter for a
> course in Norwegian :)

no please, I can read/understand a bit of Swedish and Danish but
somehow Norwegian escaped me...

>> You position the cursor, then below that the quote. if you put
>> quotes first, it likely will produce the quote and then py putting
>> the cursor, move everything before the cursor position up,

> Exactly, and that's what happens. I can place the cursor wherever I
> want in the message, but (for some of us), placing the %Cursor macro
> _after_ the %Quotes macro has an annoying side effect (the by now well
> known "disappearing text- and scrollbar problem"), so if the only
> alternatives I have are:

>   1. Before the quotes.
>   2. Not including it.

no, I had noticed the effect before but didnt realise this is what you
You can position cursor manually and with arrow keys move it up...

Now I wonder if as in my cases I had several times this problem even
with my cursor setting if the real problem isnt the cursor but what in
my case is the remaining part of the original message I am answering
covering up the top of what I am writing...

> then the %Cursor macro is of little (if any) practical use for me. I
> fail to see how to benefit from using it in my reply templates at all,
> because, by not including it, TB! defaults to the upper left corner.
> No big difference from placing the cursor before the quotes IMO.

> Anyway, leaving out the %Cursor macro cured this problem for me,
> however, this doesn't explain why I have a similar problem in NTP. My
> first thought was that there could be some sort of connection here.

> Jan-Arild

Best regards,


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