
I still have a number of questions, given below in no
specific order. I hope that you will be able to help me out.
Meanwhile, I've got PGP working within TB (nice that a reply
to a pgp'ed mail is automaticaally decrypted itself).
Another step forwards.

1. Before I made a totally new private address book, I had
already created two nicknames. I can't seem to find them
anywhere, but they still work - does anybody have a clue as
to where they might have gone?

2. Is there any .ini file that can be manually tuned?
(Sidequestion: why is all the information about accpounts,
settings, filters, address books etc, all in a format that
cannot be viewed in file format?

3. Is there any way to manually edit received messages (.e.g
the Pencil function in Eudora, editing the inbox. file in
Netscape), other than to export the message, edit and then
import it? I tried the Netscape method - reading a mailbox
into Wordpad, take out whatever, close and reread the
mailbox. That won't work.

4. Mailbox management: I miss a drag and drop option that
will allow you to move the mailbox (properties and all) to a
different place in the mailbox structure. Now I need to set
up a new mailbox, move messages and adjust filters &

5.  Flagging. I can't really figure what the little red
flags in the overview folder window stands for, or what it
is supposed to do.

6.  Folder tree: I can't fully gather how the numbers after
the folder name mean. Example, currently that tree contains,
amongst others:

inbox            0 (7)     1 (11)
mailinglists     0 (7)     0 (10)
   - HFH         3         4
   - Swans       4         6
people                     0 (1)
   - Zenon                 1
sotware          0 (16)    0 (19)
   - TheBat      16        19

My inbox contains 1 read message. Where does the (11) come
from, or the (7) for that matter? The (7) and (10) in
Mailinglists I understand: the two underlying mailboxes
contain 7 unread messages and 10 in total. Same for the
Software folder. But the meaning of the numbers after the
inbox elude me.

- K -


'I make you a present of everything I've said as yet.'
  -- Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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