A Bat-fellow, Mark Aston,
wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 23:34:07 (GMT +0100),
which was Sunday 0:34 a.m. in Bratislava --

S>>   Quite often when I open The Bat and look at this part the view
S>>   will be moved over all the way to the right (meaning the to me
S>>   least important things I need to know about my messages) and I
S>>   have to move it back to the other5 side .....
S>>   This affects all my folders and is very frustrating.

MA> I have had exactly the same problem at times, I know what you
MA> mean, I think it maybe to do with the "Subject" length, try
MA> reducing the width of the "Subject" column, hold the cursor over
MA> the right of the column and drag it to the left a bit. You will
MA> not be able to read the complete subject but that is difficult
MA> anyway unless you remove some of the other columns.

Personally I wouldn't want to reduce the Subject column width.
Instead, hitting the ARROW-LEFT key a few times (while the focus is on
the message list) always does the trick for me.

Compliments are due to Ritlabs for the intelligent way these
ARROW-LEFT and ARROW-RIGHT keys function in the message list view. In
all other applications I've ever heard of, hitting one of the two
ARROW keys will only move the view slightly to the right or slightly
to the left. In The Bat!, though, the two ARROW keys allow you to
navigate swiftly the whole width of the message list, back and forth
in no time, which is great.

On the other hand, this doesn't mean that a full-screen view of the
message list should not be available in the main window. Such a view
is a must -- alas, currently not available.

Alex. of Slovakia

[flying with The Bat! 1.46 Beta/6
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A 
amd k6-2 500 mhz processor with 64 mb ram]

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