On 24-10-2000 at 23:29, Jan Rifkinson kindly wrote:

GE>>>> Is  my  version  different  from  yours  ? Alt-0/Alt-1
GE>>>> toggles between threaded mode and unthreaded mode here
GE>>>> ?!

> Also in TBv1.47 ALT-2 seems to re: compress all threads.

Alt-2 sorts all messages by subject.

>From the key-stroke FAQ:

 View threads by:
 o Alt+0          = none
 o Alt+1          = references
 o Alt+2          = subject
 o Alt+3          = from
 o Alt+4          = to

- K -


The charm of self-inflicted insults comes in knowing how 
far to dig the knife and, with a surgeon's precision, how 
to avoid the rawest nerves. It is as harmless a sport as 
tickling oneself.
  - Alain de Botton: Kiss & Tell

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