Hallo Hermes,

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 16:46:50 +0100 GMT (03/01/2001, 23:46 +0800 GMT),
Hermes wrote:

H> Like some kind of thing you add to your efault template or so ...
H> I am new to this, so I really don't know ..

No, that doesn't work. You have to create a filter, as Nick suggested.
The filter should catch all messages, so Nick suggested the condition
should be that there is a 'e' in kludges.

In other words, go to Account / sorting Office and create a new
Incoming filter.

Choose Source: Inbox, Move to: Inbox, String: e, Location: kludges,
presence: Yes.

Then go to the Actions tab and choose Add Address to Addressbook.

Then go to the Options tab and choose Continue Processing with other

If this is your top-most filter in the list, all addresses that are
not in your addressbook yet will be added when you receive mail.



"Dear Teacher: Please excuse the stink on Bill's clothes. We've been spraying the 
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