
Monday, January 08, 2001, 11:36:07 PM, Kent Villard (iChef) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

KVi> I'm sure I missed this somewhere (if I did, please direct to where),

You can search the TBUDL archives for a long and repeated discussions
about this feature.

KVi> but I was wondering is there a way to get the images to display when
KVi> viewing HTML messages? I have a constant connection and would love for
KVi> these messages to be complete. I have some messages that I get
KVi> periodically with gfx (like charts etc) - that I would like to be able
KVi> to view within the mail client.

If these images are embedded (attached) to the HTML message you've
received TB! will show them in the HTML preview pane. But if any image
referenced in the HTML part should be taken from any outside source (for
example, <IMG SRC="http://server.domain.tld/images/image.gif"> it
wouldn't be shown. It has been done to prevent a malicious content from
being _automatically_ downloaded to your computer.

A workaround: if you have some HTML message with the exclamation marks
instead of the real images just double-click the message.html or
message.shtml attachment and your default browser will open it in
the separate window.


Yours sincerely,

Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris)     http://www.andris.msk.ru/

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