Hello Marck,

Monday, February 19, 2001, 3:45:05 AM, you wrote:

MDP>>> This is because the group has the property "Hide items if not
MDP>>> explicitly selected". If you un-check that, the group members
MDP>>> reappear at the PAB root level.

QS>> ... Is there some case one would want to do
QS>> that?

MDP> Yes. The AB (and the favourites pop-up menus) have two levels - the
MDP> root level and the group sub-menu levels.

MDP> Addresses added to groups with the "hide items" option set do not
MDP> appear at the root level.

MDP> It's just to keep more obscure / less used addresses out of the way. I
MDP> find it quite useful, especially since many entries in my address book
MDP> are merely holders for S/MIME certificates and I wouldn't want that
MDP> list shown at root.

QS>> ... Surely it could be rewritten to convey some intelligible
QS>> meaning. Or am I missing something obvious?

MDP> Does that clarify anything?

Yes, thanks. I see now where it might be useful. I also see that
certain items are hidden when the box is checked. But what is "not
specifically selected?" The items? How would I specifically select
them and why? Whatever it is that is "specifically selected" must not
be done in order to hide them? That's confusing to me.

Best regards,
 Quin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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