I just received two attachments containing information I need. I
  have no idea what they are, though. Here's how one of them is
  described beneath the attachment icon:

  AA flatfinal
   Base 64
   110,349 bytes

The other one is similarly described. I'm guessing this comes from
some Microsoft thing. The mailer is
Microsoft-Outlook-Express-Macintosh-Edition/5.02.2022. I tried
renaming the attachment using a JPG extension. I got an image
described by Irfanview as 112x75x24 BPP. It's unusable as is. Does
anyone know what this stuff is and how I can open it properly?

I posted this to TBUDL too, hoping someone will recognize the

Best regards,
 Quin                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Running The Bat!1.49d with Windows98 on AMD500, 184MB RAM

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