On Wednesday, February 28, 2001, 7:32:26 AM, Nick wrote:

> I've been burned a couple of times on mailing lists by not
> noticing that a message from a friend was actually sent to the
> list we're both subscribed to and not to me directly.  When I
> reply, my reply is sent to all on the list- sometimes with
> embarrassing results.

> What would be wonderful would be a warning that alerts me when I'm
> replying to a message where the From: and the Reply To: addresses
> aren't the same.

While I'm not against your suggestion, the problem can be easily
avoided by setting up filters for the mailing lists you subscribe to
and sort them into different folders. By doing so, private mail
won't be mixed with mailing list messages.

> I notice that at the bottom of the Reply template window there's
> an option that reads: "Do Not use From Name for Reply To address"

> Is this my dreamed of feature- or if not, what does it do?

Unfortunately, no. When you post to a mailing list, your name is in
the "From" field, but the list's address is on the "Reply-To" field.
When I reply to you, TB would, by default, take the "name" from the
"From" field and the address from the "Reply-To" field. The result
is something like:

TO: "Nick Knisely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

See? it's your name, but the list's address. It's nice since it
conveys who I'm replying to. Yet some people consider it confusing
(my address is not tbudl..., or my don't own the list, etc.), so TB
gives you the option to turn that off, hence the result would be


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