Hi Ming-Li and syv,

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:00:40 -0800GMT (28/03/2001, 10:00 +0800GMT),
Ming-Li wrote:

>> No, they do not have to be an attachment. It can
>> actually be the message itself and Outlook Express will
>> recognize it as RTF and format it accordingly

>> Actually most of the time HTML email is plain text.

Right. Then this is plain text also:


because I can open it in a text editor. From which amount/precentage
of code / keywords / other stuff not intended to be read by humans
would you start saying "this is not plain text any more"?

ML> Hmmmm, I think we have different definition about what plain-text
ML> email is. I'm not sure I'm right, though I still think I'm. :-)

I think you are. ;-)

ML> HTML and RTF are, AFAIK, marked text. I don't think they're
ML> considered "plain text", especially in the context of email.

They are not. They contain instructions to the computer.

ML> Yes, RTF and HTML files are ASCII files in the sense that it can be
ML> read with a text editor. But when you load a html (or rtf) with a
ML> text editor, none of the "commands" (the markup codes) is "executed"
ML> (interpreted). Hence, executing a .bat file can be harmful, but
ML> loading a .bat in a text editor cannot.

Correct. But a .bat file can be a plain-text message, if one
programmer sends it to the other in the body of the message (not as
attachment) and says "have a look at my code, please".

ML> BTW, I don't think only ASCII code 32 to 126 are used in today's
ML> "text". At least for CJK text, ASCII codes higher than 126 are used,
ML> too.

When will we discard ASCII, ISO-8859-x, Big5, GB2312, etc, and only
use UTF?



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