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On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 21:05:09 +0300, Pete thoughtfully wrote the following:

PP> Sometimes when writing a message, I need to select a block of text
PP> with a mouse. If I do it too carelessly, the whole text (not just the
PP> selected one) moves to the left so that only a half of it remains in
PP> sight. No srollbar appearing on the bottom of the window. No way I can
PP> get things back to normal except saving the message and then
PP> doubleclicking in the outbox message list to get back to the message
PP> editing window.

Whenever you're caught in this bind, try using the arrow keys to scroll or
hitting Ctrl+Home to get to the beginning of the message. Using the
Shift+<arrow keys> is a far more accurate and controllable way to select
text while editing.

Shift+PageDown to select the current page as well as Shift+End to select
the cursors position to the end of the current line of text also provide
nice adjuncts to the arrow keys.

PP> Sometimes if I use Enter too hastily (wanting two or more empty lines
PP> in a text), the cursor just can't make it - sure, it moves to the
PP> correct place but it also leaves a non-working "copy" of itself
PP> behind! The way out? I move the working cursor in the same place as
PP> the "copy" and press any key. I've somehow learned to live with it but
PP> actually it is *very* annoying!

Yes, I see this at times.

PP> I don't know if it's even possible to solve these problems but what
PP> I'd sure like to know is: are there any others having similar
PP> problems?!

Your first problem I do not have since I edit only with the keyboard.

- --
  - Allie -
     A. Curtis Martin  |  Moderator(TBUDL|TBBETA|TBTECH)
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