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On Fri, 30 Mar 2001 23:09:05 +0300, Pete thoughtfully wrote the following:

PP> Thanks, I'll propably use that from now on! So this "escaping text" is
PP> a commonly known... er... what-should-I-call-it... bug...?

Yes. :=) You'll, however, hardly ever encounter it when editing only with
the keyboard.

PP>>> Sometimes if I use Enter too hastily (wanting two or more empty
PP>>> lines in a text), the cursor just can't make it -

ACM>> Yes, I see this at times.

PP> Okay - I just accept it as it is, naturally waiting that someday this
PP> oddity could be ironed out. It's annoying, but not a reason to change
PP> to a different mailclient. Other mailers just don't have the muscles
PP> TB! has.

Again, you'll not encounter this bug when using mainly the keyboard. It
tends to occur when trying to establish cursor positioning with the mouse.
I hope that they fix it soon.

PP> Thanks Allie, and Thomas too!

You're welcome. :=)

- --
  - Allie -
   A. Curtis Martin  | List Moderator (and fellow end-user)
¡Opinions given are mine and not necessarily those of RITLABS!
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