Hello Marck,

Friday, April 13, 2001, 1:14:17 AM, you wrote:

MDP> responsibly (everyone here knows about my aversion to folder level
MDP> templates - heck, I belong to a couple of lists that need this done
MDP> and I can't bring myself to do it).

I am a newcomer to the list and to Bat, and learned your view on
this just now.

But folder level templates is really one of these things I like about
The Bat. For instance I participate in a norwegian list and want my
greetings and my signature there to be different from this list. I
find it very convenient to just highlight the folder and start a new

MDP> N.B. Don't do this for all the lists you belong to. Most don't need it
MDP> and work better with an Address Book reply template tied to the list's
MDP> reply address. This solution is really only intended to compensate for

You just taught me about Address Book templates. I had not
discovered these. To have my reply template here for a well behaved
list seems OK, but the conveniance of just highlighting the folder and
start a new message will be lost if I put my New Message template

Best regards,
 Ottar                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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